Louis is a 14 month-old Midwest Cardigan Corgi/goofball who loves watching The Dog Whisperer and is never too proud to invite a belly rub.
He and his brother Sam, a Jack Russell Terrier, keep the house humming with their frapping and herding antics. (It’s actually Louis herding Sam, but in the blur of fur it might actually be hard to tell). Louis has been known to accidentally un-plug a lamp mid-frap, but it doesn’t stop him. He just keeps on going in the dark!

Mom Cathy says all sunglasses, pillows and keys have been replaced by Nylabones, as Louis likes to give his chompers a regular workout.
Little dog, big personality: bringing laughter and raising spirits wherever he goes.
Natural muse Louis serves as inspiration for Mom’s greeting card illustrations and has had a felted wool replica created in his likeness. See more fantastic photos of this guy at his flickr photostream set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21266542@N05/sets/72157615520693396/
Long live lovable Louis!