Louis O’Neill, Corgi King of Dallas
Dear friend and fellow Corgi lover,
After seven years, 4,000 posts, and hundreds of Corgi smiles and stories, I am pleased at last to introduce the new and improved Daily Corgi!
Think of my blog as a new house. Not just a fresh coat of paint, but a whole new building. A building full of Corgis. (Now I have your attention!) The layout is fresher. Easier to navigate, cleaner, bigger, all around brighter. It’s designed for your viewing ease, in both desktop and mobile views. (Yes, they will look different). To see the whole effect in living color, have a look via your PC. That right there is my vision for the Daily Corgi.
While I retain much of my DIY-i-tude, darn it if Christina Berry of Inspired VA Services wasn’t there to hold my hand (without complaint) throughout the entire ordeal. The woman is easily worth ten times her fee. As a dog blogger herself, Christina understood the importance of not just “curb appeal” but practical functionality and a zippy engine beneath the hood. Because of her, I’m ready to go toe to toe with the shiny sites and all their kazoos and whistles, armed with some tactical know-how I was sorely lacking before.
To kick off the relaunch and rebrand, the blog (back to daily weekday posts!) will be a virtual Smile-a-Palooza for the next week or so. Because Corgi smiles, right? Say no more.
What will separate The Daily Corgi from other sites, now that I’ve leveled the playing field some? I’ll tell you. It’s JOY. First and foremost, joy. I do what I do to make the world (especially my own) a happier place, through the magic of Corgis as zesty muses. I’ve been crazycakes about these dogs for over 30 years now, with no sign of stopping. If anything, I’m more obsessed. But in a good way.
In a better than ever way!

Paula of Germany (photo Susanne Bosche)
Could I go on about the endless preparatory color and font studies I did for weeks in advance? You bet. But we’re all Corgeeks here, not design geeks. Just one more shout-out to Susan of Pretty Darn Cute Design for her peerless patience with my rigamarole of revisions. As a gracious professional she’s not going to admit that I was a perfectionistic pain in the brain pan, but I was.
Yes, I own it. I am a perfectionist! One who loves Corgis and writing in (nearly) equal measure. Ergo, The Daily Corgi! The first seven years of blogging have led to this day. A few detours along the way made it more interesting, but let’s put a positive spin on things shall we? Because that’s what I do here, every day.
I come along with my Corgi pictures and stories and I say get a load of this! Ha!
You and your dogs are the reason I’m still here. From the bottom of my heart, thank YOU. Your support, loyalty, donations, enthusiasm and generous sharing of the Corgis in your life — both here and at my Daily Corgi Facebook page — have changed me. As someone who struggles chronically with sadness and anxiety, I’m grateful for this grace.
Permit me to pitch for a moment on behalf of all who wrestle with this thief of joy, this depressive illness without a sure cure. Never give up on us! We can still do great things, though there will be times when we can do very little. We long to participate, we want to contribute. Please respect that sometimes we are genuinely differently-abled, often in ways even we can’t explain.
In doing so, you may save a life.

While you’re visiting The Daily Corgi, check out the Archives, where all seven years of blog posts live on. Have a look at the newly added Mobility and Health page, to learn a thing or two about some of the challenges some Corgis face. (Many thanks to Deb Reid for her excellent work on these deeply relevant topics). I’d like to know what you think of all the changes. There will be more as time goes on. Whether you’re new or a veteran visitor, I’m glad to have you along for this joyful ride. To reach me, click the Contact link just beneath the banner, or in the dropdown menu if you’re on a mobile.
BREAKING NEWS: You can now easily leave comments on posts. No lie! Check it out. This was close to impossible on the old site. No more!
My friends, here’s to the next seven years of smiles and shenanigans. Bring it on, buttercup!
Laurie Eno
Founder & Publisher
The Daily Corgi

Velvet-Paulette and Oliver





Rupert of Canada
awesome new house … love it …. greetings from I’Zak , Mathilda , my beloved Pems and me of course from Germany <3 ….
Morning, Laurie! Congrats on launching your new, even more exciting website (as if that is even possible! Corgi On,
Laurie, you as always are wonderful — and the site is amazing! Thank you!
Love, love, love it my friend. I am in STILL for the long count.
We love the new design, colours and content. You have done a wonderful job and we are excited to see it grow! Thanks for letting me have a part in things as well! All the best in the new TDC!
This is wonderful! Congrats and many thanks for all you ( and your amazing friends) do for this page! I’m so excited to see what this holds for Corgidom!
Yay! Welcome back. My Corgi Mango really loves the mango shade of orange that was selected 🙂 so do I.
Love the new look Laurie! I can’t wait to get back to seeing those beautiful Corgi smiles every day! <3
Thanks Kristen! New Corgi smiles coming up tomorrow.
Congratulations Laurie – everything looks wonderful. So enjoy your Daily Corgi in all aspects.
Thank you very much Linda. I am glad to hear from you and I say Keep Comin’ Back!
It looks great!!!! Welcome back!!!
Yay! Welcome back!
Thanks Marlene!
Good Morning!
Congratulations on the launch of the new and improved Daily Corgi! Looks wonderful. I will continue to follow and enjoy all of the adventures that unfold. Great job Laurie!
Thanks so much Connie! Stay tuned!
Amazing new page just what we needed and just in time for summer!
Thanks Jon! You know I love some juicy colors.
Hello There I too would like to be a part of this, I have been a corgi breeder fore over forty years & have made many friends all over the world, they are my life, if I can be of any help & input, would be excited to do this, Deb Read know,s me as she has one of my kids. Betty.
Wonderful – thank you so much Betty!
Thanks Betty! Drop me a line: thedailycorgi@gmail.com .Remind me that we first connected here in a comment. Laurie
This has been one busy day, had a friend come over to help me bath two of my corgis, one is a tricolour female the other is red/white, we are going on a trip to MA USA fore a corgi show, have to leave two at home, but they are well looked after by a friend, we will be gone fore 4,days, it should be a fun show, meeting up with uld & making new friends. B.
Excellent! Have a safe and fun trip.
Great new Blog! Loving the look.
Congrats on the new site. I am long time reader and very excited for you and all the changes. Have fun. Know I am looking forward to lots of infectious corgis.
Thanks! I have lots of infectious Corgis on tap. Yes, THAT I’ve got plenty of!
It looks awesome! Congratulations on the new look and re-launch from a couple of Cardis that have followed you from the beginning!
Hey Taryn & Co.! So happy to see you’re still along for the wild ride.
Good morning, Laurie! Congrats on the new “house of corgi.” So very excited for you…and for all of us corgiphiles!
I like that, “house of corgi”. Works for me! Thanks Cindi.
Looks great, Laurie! Love the new changes! Welcome back! As the owner of a dog who has chronic anxiety/reactive issues, I completely understand where you’re coming from. Some days Rugby can cope with things, and other days those same things prove to be too much for him. Sending hugs and looking forward to great things!
Thanks Sally! It is good to hear that your anxious boy has a sympathetic and understanding owner in you. It’s a tricky and difficult thing to deal with, anxiety, but it doesn’t have to ruin a life — as you know. Corgi On!
Oh My Corgi, the new and improved site looks FABULOUS!!! I approve of the colors and the fonts and, of course, all the corgis. You (and your design helper) have done a great job! Can’t wait to see more corgis on this website!
Thank you Cathy! I had a ball playing with design choice. It had to look like its own site, not an imitation of any other. Pretty sure it’s achieved that. Corgi On!
WHOW Laurie, you have done it again. It was well worth waiting for this grand opening. Thanks for the great work.
Thanks Anita! I am pretty thrilled with the result. Corgis are still my inspiration, now in fuller color!
So very excited for you Laurie! It’s beautiful and you know we can never get enough corgi! You’ve worked so hard for all of us crazy corgi lovers and I am so glad that this brings so much happiness to you as well! My day just wouldn’t be the same without “The Daily Corgi”!
Thank you Tammy! I’m glad you’re still with me!
Well, duh! I’m not leaving anytime soon or EVER!!
Wonderful opening day Laurie! The smiles you chose to post today are spot on. Keep on frapping!
Hooray..Congratulations Laurie..Love the new look!
I really really love the new look and variety of content. The Boyz and I will be happy to follow you for another 7+ years!!
Welcome back!
Love the new format! And just love you! Corgi on honey !!♡♡♡
super excited for you, and this! can’t wait to see what’s to come!
Yeah Laurie, you are back and the blog is back as well! I love getting my daily corgi fix from you and hearing stories about other corgi’s. Who knows, maybe, just maybe Noodles will have the privilege of having his picture included on the newly designed blog. I love the new look of the page!
Send me a pic of noodles smiling big! Put “smile” in the subject line. Send to thedailycorgi@gmail.com. Thanks!
Just sent a smiling picture of Noodles taken when we went to the beach. You’ll love it!
Very nice! I look forward to visiting, reading, sharing, looking at adorable corgis and learning from the corgi-nation! My Grace will be 2 at the end of this month and is truly a joy to have. She is my second corgi (my first, Misty, lived to age of 20).
Yep, it’s barooo-tiful! Well done!
I, Martin, speak for my hu-mom to say how Splendid this is!
Huzzah to you! And LOVE too! <3
Martin Matthew Home (And Eileen)
The Corgis are in the (new) house! Congratulations Laurie! You and your team have done a fantastic job! Looking forward to sweet, smiling Corgi faces! 😎
I too wrestle with depression and finding a place that makes me smile is such a gift.
Thank you for all you do.,
Awesome new format, thanks for all your hard work…Love, love, love it. Thanks so much it is corgilishous!
Love the new format, and the color combination is superb. Glad I came back from my social media vacation to take a look. I figured I would wait until the big push was over to take a look. Fredo loves it too. Gina is ok with it, but not as enthusiastic. Then again she’s always been a bitch. She’s a Corgi bitch. And our alpha girl. So nothing entirely pleases her.
Absolutely fantastic job pulling this all together. I knew you could do it. And now you know it, and so does the rest of the world.
Now, back to my self-imposed keyboard deprivation.
Oh congratulations on the launch of your new and improved site!! Everything looks fabulous! Looking forward to your daily corgi smiles!!
Congratulations on the blog redo, it looks wonderful! We always enjoy seeing your posts. Signed Pippa, Mr. Darcy and Kailyn!
Congratulations on the upgrade. It looks GREAT!
Laurie it looks ANAZING!!!! So happy to be reading your thoughts and views again!!! You rock!! Much love girlfriend!
Corgi on Laurie! I love the new format and I always love the Daily Corgi! I would love for you to meet Kaylee, River & Simon, my corgi furkids and my lovely mare Flirtini. The kids come to the farm with me when I ride and they come to the horse shows and stay with me in the living quarters trailer. They have attended the Southern California Corgi Beach day, in fact we were at the very first one!!!