Helsinki, Finland is home to ten month-old Nala, who digs the dog park where she runs herself silly among the locals. Mom Sari says Nala is full of pup energy and enjoys showing the rawhide who’s boss (see video).
Like any Corgi, she’s got got a few tricks up her sleeve. In addition to presenting her foot when she’s asked, Nala can “whisper” (lick Mom’s ear) and spin around on command. She’s also learning how to nod when asked “Is it so?”
Looking adorable comes naturally, no effort required. As for eats and treats, this city girl isn’t picky and will try anything — well, everything — once.
Hmmm, shoes. Num!
this was awesome… thank you very much 🙂
How gorgeous!!!
What a beautiful dog. Luonnonihana! (Hope I got that right — had to look it up on an English to Finnish translator.)