Happy Monday, Corgi People! Say hello to Zephyr of Indianapolis, a two year-old Pem with energy enough for three dogs.
Here she is at two months:
Her stuffed pal Ein was chewed to furry bits within weeks. (“Victory!”)
If it’s true that the length of the tongue is roughly proportional to I.Q., Zephyr is one smart puppy. She is also the Queen of Fetch. Chasing, fetching and returning tennis balls with Mom is her idea of a heavenly afternoon.
The only thing that can truly take her eye off the ball is guard dog duty, which she takes VERY seriously. Barking orders at strangers is a high priority!
Zephyr enjoys a serious cuddling session and relishes head scratches, in addition to keeping her Aunt and Shih-Tzu cousin on the run. She gives the big thumbs up (well, if a Corgi had thumbs) to all things food related.
Atta girl!

Talented Mom Beth has a way with the camera … don’t you think?
More photos of the fabulous Zephyr here.
A barrel of biscuits to Zephyr!
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Yo Zephyr!!!! Hey, would you like to meet my friends? We are all going on a journey to NOWHERE….just come to Castles Crowns and Cottages, click on the little fairy door on the sidebar and Nocturne will take you there. We do welcome puppies, as long as you are good and don't try to eat the little creatures…..have a fine day! Anita
😀 that's my baby Zephyr!!
Zephyr is one cute Corgi! I wish I could cuddle with him! Twyla