I interrupt the hijinx to bring you this brief but important announcement:

The Daily Corgi’s facebook page hit 300 fans TODAY!
In less than a month, 300 aWeSoMe Corgi people have signed up for content exclusive to the page. Stuff like video and photo previews of future posts, instant notifications of new favorites added to The Daily Corgi’s youtube channel, and the chance to weigh in on such important questions as …
(Yes, this photo is doctored. Yes, I am infringing on copyright).
I sure do. Maybe I’ll start a petition … a Million Corgi March, even?
Anyway, THANK YOU for being a part of The Daily Corgi and helping to make the dog-less life of The Crazy Corgi Lady (that’s me) much brighter with your wonderful photos and enthusiasm.
You rock. You know that, right?
Lickskits (that’s a lick/biscuit combo)
and love,
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