Happy Howl-O-Ween. It’s time for the first annual Daily Corgi Halloween Costume Contest.
Cardigan, Pembroke and Corgi mixes are eligible. Please provide the name of the dog you are entering. Photos without names will not be featured.
Mail your photos (as e-mail attachments) to thedailycorgi@gmail.com.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 12:00 midnight (PST), Thursday Nov. 5th. Winner to be determined by readers’ votes; all entries will be posted on Friday, November 6th.

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This high-larious Corgi “nose art” bumper sticker from Kelly S. at Corgi Butts.
I think the "To Corgis With Love" video posted to the right is the best corgi video ever. It's beautiful – take the time to watch it!
What a great list of prizes! 🙂
Our dogs were going to go as the neighborhood squirrels this year (if you have kids who watch Fred on YouTube you'll know what I'm talking about), but the kids changed their minds at the last minute, and I ended up returning the corgis' costumes! 🙁