Say hello to Libby and Dyddy, a pair of Pembrokes from Dania Beach, Florida.

Seven year old Libby is a female who came from Sunshine Corgi Rescue in April of ’09. She arrived with the famous Corgi “stare ’til you drop it (food)” tactic, and every day she works to perfect it!

Five year old Dyddy joined the household at 17 weeks old. He’s got a serious thing for ice cubes. The sound of the fridge door wakes him from a dead sleep, alert to another chance at staring one out of somebody.
He is also a champion couch spud.
When they play, Libby and Dyddy don’t growl, bark, or snarl. These munchkins just quietly mouth each other.
Must be pretty cute, huh?
* * * *
Four-paw salute to Libby and Dyddy!
I am very familiar with that corgi stare to get food look
these 2 are adorable, as always!
enjoy the weekend
Oh… Goodie! Another Corgi Blog to follow! We Corgis from Corgi Country LOVE following our fellow corgi lovers or fur-friends! Sounds like we will have to bug Mom to get our pictures posted over here since this is a Corgi-friendly place! We notice that you already know Koda (A Corgi), Dozer & family, the Christmas Corgi lady (Isn't her pictures just the most adorable!), and several others.
Come check us out at Corgi Country sometime! Oh, and if you like Corgi puppies, our will be 5 weeks old on Tues. and the past several weeks are mostly blogs about them… OC (Matriarch of Corgi Country)