Ginger is a beautiful Pembroke who came to live with her family in May of this year. She was a rescue dog from Potomac Corgi Rescue, and over the previous five years she’d lived in four homes before adoption by Joanna and Kenneth M.
“When we got her from rescue, she did not know any commands at all. In four months, she has learned 10 commands” writes her Mom. “She is quite a girl! We are working on getting her trained to be a therapy dog.”
Joanna is a professional harpist whose latest published book of music — “Ginger’s Little Harp Book” — was inspired by her Corgi. As the light of her family’s lives, Ginger not only inspired the music but appears on the cover having a conversation with a butterfly.

Looks like Ginger will be making beautiful music with her people for many years to come.
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Ginger!
What a little beauty!
I agree. She is a very pretty girl.
Ginger is still very much alive and gives us much joy every day!
She is now gone, but I will always love that wonderful gurl and she is in my heart always.