One year 0ld Darla lives with her family in Davis, California. This sweet Tri has the kind of temperment that endears her to everyone she meets.

That lolling tongue doesn’t hurt, either.

This frisky Pemmie gets lots of attention at the dog park, where she digs chasing other dogs …

. . . and you’d better believe she knows the words “dog park”!
Darla perfecting her “poor, starving puppy” look.
Darla loves to cuddle in bed and insists on sitting close to her folks on the couch.

Bath time? Not so much.
Her best friends are Welsh Corgi Kirby and Kona, a German Sheperd mix. Darla enjoys a good gnaw on her rope bone, and she’s a fine fetcher — when she feels like it.
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Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Darla!
Thanks for kicking off the year, keepin’ it Corgi.