The Daily Corgi has been publishing for eight years now. That’s a lot of Corgis and a lot of years! Today’s Throwback Thursday post comes out of the archives from 2012. Where five years went between then and now, I have no idea.
None and none-er. That said, Gideon the Corgi’s story is no worse for the wear of the years. In fact, I LOVE revisiting these old Dog of the Day gems. They never get old, and for my money that’s a kind of magic!
Has your dog been on the blog yet? Drop a line, with “dog of the day” in the message line: On The Daily Corgi, eventually every (Corgi) dog has its day.
Gideon means “mighty warrior”, and in typical Corgi fashion, 20 pound Gideon is a warrior in his own right. Don’t let the bow tie fool you.
The warrior in him shines through when he’s chasing squirrels, herding waves at the waterfront, or giving the back off bark to plastic grocery sacks. He has no idea he’s on the smaller side. Not only is three year-old Gideon brave, he’s clever enough to high-tail it out of the path of the bossy hens who share his backyard.
No intimidating HIM, no way! He’s smart … not a scaredy cat.
“Gideon is an experienced backpacking dog and bounds through snow deeper than his body.” (Looks pretty talented in the napping arts too). “What some call a Corgi’s “pants” my hubby and I call his “butt shrub”. I swear he shows it off sometimes!”
Gideon is a warrior indeed, despite his size. He knows that he has a mission in life. Just love all the aka’s and the snuggling up and talking if he is not getting what he wants. Although a warrior, Gideon is still adorably cute AND….CORG-eous..
Gideon is a warrior indeed, despite his size. He knows that he has a mission in life. Just love all the aka’s and the snuggling up and talking if he is not getting what he wants. Although a warrior, Gideon is still adorably cute AND….CORG-eous.
A big barooo from Fidget and congratulations from me. Mornings wouldn’t be the same without TDC!