When I first saw Josie’s picture in last year’s Daily Corgi Halloween Costume Contest, I thought to myself “that’s a Corgi calendar picture if I ever saw one”. You know when you get that monumentally “just right” photo of your dog and it captures all of the magic you know is there?
Whoever the shutterbug is in Josie’s family, they’ve got the knack of that down flat.

Hellllooooo, chickadee!
Grandmom Cindy F. writes “We think Josie is truly special and love having her! She is the best!”
Her family decided on a Corgi after a neighbor brought home Pembroke puppy Roxy. (Pics of her below).

About a month after that, this magnificent bit o’ fluff walked into their hearts.
Really, there are no words. Just Corgi, and puppy.
Oh, and eyes. OK, and ears.
And love at first sight.

Josie and Roxy have grown up together and are total besties. (This is a photo from the first day they met.)

Here, they are back from a trip to the creek, where they made hay …

… and “got clean”. Yep, good and clean.

Josie is “just as sweet as she looks”.
If she weren’t a Corgi, I don’t know … I might have doubts. But this face doesn’t lie.
Those were the MOST fabulous photographs!!! Beautiful! What dolls those two are 🙂
All the photos I saw today are gorgeous. Can you believe, I've actually never seen a baby-Corgi? Too ridiculously cute. I have to leave now before my momma sees those babes and starts making baby eyes.
Oh My we love those cute smiles. That is definitely a calendar centerfold shot! Brilliant may we add.
Benny & Lily
So fluffy and cute!