“My last child was leaving the nest to move to the coast and my husband and I were a bit bereft. Along came Bess and filled all the holes!”

“I’ve wanted a Corgi for as long as I could remember and never could make it happen financially.” Through a series of events, Kim C. welcomed 8 and-a-half year old Pembroke Bess into her South Carolina home already occupied by cats Ella, Marble and Mr. T.

Looks like Dad is pretty smitten, huh? Somebody knows how to work their Corgi charms.

“Bess is loyal, devoted, happy and nurturing. To our delight, we suspect she loves us as much as we love her!”
The hearts on the last picture say it all! What a sweet little dog!
Oh Bessy, even your own laptop! BOL
Benny & Lily