Laureen J. of Connecticut wrote The Daily Corgi about her beloved Footsie, a sweet Cardi girl who passed in December of ’09 after almost fifteen years of joyous life, leaving forever after pawprints on the hearts of her family.
Today’s post is a celebration of Laureen’s treasured memories of Footsie.

“The first time I saw Footsie she captured my heart. She came to us when she was ten months old. My daughter used to dog and house sit for the woman who owned Footsie, who apparently didn’t have much time for her. On one of Footsie’s many stays at our home, her then-owner called and asked us if we were interested in keeping her. LUCKY US!!”
“The first time we met her she proceeded to go down the hall to the den and leave a little poop pile for my husband! Footsie was the most lovable little girl, but also had a very feisty Corgi side, one of the things we enjoyed most about her. She’d let anyone in our home, but go to leave and she’d be herding you at the door. Footsie liked it the best when the whole family was here; my two older daughters (‘sisters’ as we’d say) don’t live with us anymore, but do live in the same town.”
“Footsie loved to ride in the jeep with my daughter Kristie and with my husband in his truck. I can still hear her happy barking from half a mile down the street as she rode in the top-down jeep, beaming her Corgi smile.”
“As Corgis do, she got into her share of mischief. Footsie would run down the hall with a roll of toilet paper and shred it to a million pieces in the kitchen. Her energy was nearly boundless. My daughter pitched in high school and college, and there Footsie would be in the middle of a game of catch, back and forth till she could drop. She ran crazy fast circles around our pool. She picked her OWN tomatoes out of our garden in the summer, her nose all tomato plant green. My girl enjoyed grazing in the summer flowers on the deck, like a mini black and white cow, and for some reason only the verbenas.”
“I remember when we took her to the brook in back of our house and she jumped right in. Luckily we had her leash on and jumped in to grab her out. One night Footsie had a memorable skunk encounter, and until day she left this earth ABSOLUTELY HATED SKUNK SMELL, reacting to it fifteen minutes before we knew it was there.”
Footsie dealt sternly with other animals. “Any time there was a dog on the TV she would rush to the screen woofing. She loved to watch her backyard for anything that moved, even though with time she let the squirrels stay and would just growl at them. Footsie absolutely destroyed any stuffed animal toy she ever owned. Once, she stood her ground and barked a neighbor’s Rotweiller out of HER yard away from HER bone!”
“Footsie would watch women’s UCONN games with me, giving some ‘Corgi ear luck’ when needed … I have a picture of my daughter Jill in her wedding gown with Footsie’s head in her lap … the list goes on and on. She was just our “baby girl” and always will be in our hearts. Footsie made a lasting impression on other people too, not just us. I recently received word from Cornell University’s Baker Institute for Animal Health, telling me they had made a donation for research in Footsie’s name.”
“Footsie held my heart from the moment I met until her last heartbeat; she still holds it now. I miss her so much. I know one day I will have another Corgi, but when I do it couldn’t replace my love for her. I definitely will love another Corgi, but I guess in a new and different way. That’s the way it has to be. Although the tears are still there, I can now think of her and smile sometimes. Footsie brought us so much love, humor, and Corgi wonderfulness. We are grateful we had her for so many years.”
“Everyday, my daughters and I wear special necklace in memory of Footsie, as a reminder that wherever she is, she will always be in our hearts.”
* * * * *
“A dog’s only fault is never living long enough.”
Thanks for sharing Footsie with The Daily Corgi, Laureen.
My heart breaks for your loss, even as I smile at the joy you shared with a wonderful, beautiful girl…Dog Heaven has a new angel…
Laurie- Thank you so much for telling the story about our beautiful girl FOOTSIE, and bringing to life her wonderful CORGI SPIRIT. She was truly a gift in our lives that we will treasure forever. She will always and forever remain in our hearts.
Laurie, Thank you so much for letting me share the story of our beautiful "baby girl" FOOTSIE. We were truly lucky to have her grace our lives for so long. She will forever and always remain in our hearts.
Typing through tears. What a beautiful tribute to Footsie. I think wanting another Corgi is the greatest tribute you can give to her.
Laureen & family,
It is a real honor to be able to provide a place for you to share Footsie with other Corgi lovers. This post truly is YOUR work, not mine.
I sure wish I'd met Footsie, but in a way I do meet the dogs who appear here. I have to get to know them before I can write about them, and I surely feel I'd be able to pick out Footsie from a crowd of Cardis now!
Bless you all and know that there is more Corgi goodness to come … thank doG.
Laureen, Rich and girls, I always looked forward so much to seeing Footsie when we went to your house. She was such a cool doggie and the love you obviously had for her showed so much, it was always heartwarming to be around you and her. I know you miss her and I hope you do find another lucky Corgi to share your wonderful home and family.
This really makes me cry as I am taking my old Sheltie to the vet tomorrow, probably to be put to sleep. What a wonderful life Footsie had and what joyful spirit she brought to her home. Thank you for sharing us with her.
Jan J.
I hope that some of your tears in the coming days will be healing ones.
You are not alone in your hour of grief. There is a whole fraternity of us dog lovers who stand with you in the face of such grief.
Bless you,