Hi, Corgi people. My name is Anya and I’d like to tell you about my Cardi brother Sammy.
He was a most wonderful buddy.
Oh, by the way — while I’m technically not a Corgi, I am a Swedish Vallhund. And we sort of look alike. See for yourself!
That’s me on the left. I was just 13 weeks old when I came to live with Sammy and the family.
Sadly, my brother Sammy passed away at the beginning of December at the ripe old age of 15. We had some great travels in our years together, and I know that Sammy would have dictated a post to our Dad if he had found this site … so I am going to do it for him.
We were working dogs for ten years. Not herding sheep and cattle though; we herded people into a kite shop in Newport RI. There we are hard at work, Sammy and me!
As you can imagine, we got plenty of treats and petting. Folks just couldn’t get enough of us.
Sammy loved soccer and rope playing, and he proudly taught me everything I know! Swimming in the ocean or a stream, hiking up Mt.Washington, hanging out in the yard … boy, did we have The Life together.
We traveled all over New England in the back of the car, where I would curl up against him.
I don’t need to tell you how nice they are to snuggle up to.
Dad lets me look at The Daily Corgi often; it helps me feel less sad about Sammy, to see so many other Corgis.
On behalf of our Sammy, here’s some advice:
Treasure your friends and squeeze the most out of everyday.
Have more fun than you thought was possible.
Life is short. GET THE BISCUITS.
See you out on the trails and fields little Corgis!
Your friend,

p.s. Yes, that’s my signature. Or paw-tograph, if you prefer. Either one works for me! Dad made it … isn’t he talented?