Littermates Emma (R) and Owen (L) were born in April of 2008 and arrived at their forever home in Decorah, Iowa three months later, on July 4th.
Now THIS is cause for celebration!
Emma, aka “The Princess”, is a natural-born social butterfly. Mom Laurie A. says she loves everyone she meets and made fast friends with all the other puppies in Puppy Kindergarten.
I could do it in my sleep. Sometimes I do!
She rules the roost and keeps her brother Owen in line, making it all appear completely effortless.

All in a day’s work, darlings.

Her Royal Highness, all set to go for a ride in Chuck, the family’s truck.
Other favorite stuff? Long walks on the Prairie, snow days, long naps on the back of sofa, playing tug of war with her brother, Nylabones and (who’d have guessed it?) treats.

Difficult to discern what Emma’s thinking here … but she’s DEFINITELY thinking.

Owen, looking quite sober. Reflecting on his future as a Very Serious Dog?

Ha — fooled ya!

Well, it’s true that he does take his self-appointed bodyguard duties seriously. “Owen is vigilant about protecting Mom and sister from from most other people and all other living creatures. Owen would be very content if the only ones in his universe were Emma, me, my neighbor – Karen, and my brother. He’s the complete opposite of his sister, Emma.”

For Owen, every day is a stake-out!
I promise to be good. See? All good, nuthin’ but good.
“Owen would also like to spend every waking and sleeping moment with me” writes Laurie. “He’s my shadow. His favorite activities are long walks, off-leash romps on the Prairie and the schoolyard, FOOD, snow days, and Nylabones. Owen doesn’t like to go to training classes because he doesn’t care to be so close to other people and their dogs, but we’ve struck a bargain: he will always do as I ask and I won’t make him go to class.”
“He’s kept up his end of the bargain.”
“He really, really would love to go for rides in the truck, but they have to be short rides, because he suffers from motion sickness.”
In spite of their differences, Emma and Owen enjoy one another’s company, as only Corgis can.
Treat patrol. Who knows what’s hiding in the snow?
Mom’s so inspired by her Pemmie kids that she’s named her blog for them:
Lots of photos, and a peek into the world of a very talented needlepoint artist/quilter. Laurie first learned about Corgis from Tasha Tudor’s work.
Now THAT was a Corgi Lady!
* * * * *
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Emma and Owen!
Barrels of biskies to the both of you.
I had to laugh at the looks on their faces when they were little puppies. They looked so sad. But now…they look happy and spoiled and everything two Corgis should be.
Insanely cute! Insanely!!!
They are gorgeous! I read their mommy's blog so I know how much she loves them and they love her :-).
Emma and Owen are my favorite corgi friends. 😀 I love seeing their puppy pics!
Emma and Owen are favorites of mine too. They are adorable. Love those puppy pics, who could resist those faces.
Hooray for Corgi's!! Love the pictures, descriptions, & quilts!!
Thanks for sharing Lori.
Pam R.
Emma and Owen are the BEST and most GORGEOUS and HANDSOME and FUN Corgi pups in the WORLD!! Me and my Pugs love them like family 🙂
Emma & Owen … oh how cute, waaaaaay cute! What a wonderful pair of Corgis! Two terrific "bunny butts."
Virtual biskies from Winston & Penny's mom.
Max and Lucy were so excited to see their friends Emma and Owen on the Daily Corgi!
they send their congratulations and extra biskies for all! 🙂
joann tx