I am a HUGE fan of blogs, because when they’re done well they can be absolutely magical places to visit and share in the lives of other people via their words and photos.
One of my all-time favorites is Cathy Santarsiero’s The Christmas Corgi.
There is a such a wonderfully welcoming vibe in this place, and I call it a ‘place’ because it feels three-dimensional … like a welcoming home filled with Corgis, crafts, cooking, gardening, gentle humor and all around loveliness.
The moment you open the site, there is a soundtrack that plays softly in the background. It’s truly special and really makes everything else on the blog even better. So make sure your speakers are turned on :-).
Cathy is an artist who has made a kind donation of three signed prints to The Daily Corgi’s Great Corgi-Licious Giveaway (thanks again, Cathy!). Her style is a combination of hearfelt, whimsical and Corgi-crazy.
Cathy’s having surgery on her hand tomorrow (Thursday, April 29th), and since she is an artist it’s vital that things go well with that.
If you’re a praying person (or even if you’re not), please send out some positive fellow Corgi-person karma to Cathy, so that she can return quickly to doing all the things she loves, including continuing to create The Christmas Corgi as a gift to her readers.
Corgially yours,