Greetings from Whidbey Island, Washington! My name is Glory Be and I’m eleven years young.
I’ve got a grand life here on this beautiful island in Puget Sound, with a beach, big trees, a great house, biscuits aplenty, and my Mom Christina.
(Ed. note: I’ve been to Whidbey Island and he isn’t kidding. It’s a little bit of heaven!)
Until last year I had a sister named Gwen. She got sick with cancer and went to the Rainbow Bridge. My mom wrote about that on her blog:

Gwen and me, waiting for the biscuits.
Things were different after Gwen left. I was pretty lonely and started to act my age, just lying around and looking out the window. I missed her — we all did.
Mom says when we all stopped crying, we decided to get a puppy.
That’s when my little sister Gracie showed up! She’s seven months old now and her Mom Ann loves her as much as mine loves me. Which is a LOT!
Now I have this puppy to train. At first I wasn’t sure about it — but every day she gets calmer, and her telepathy skills are improving so my training job is getting easier. Miss Amazing Gracie is growing and I’m teaching her to chase seagulls and crows so she’ll always have work.
This is the day that Gwen and I saw a whale. We held very still. That was THE biggest tail I ever saw in my life.
Kayaking is so fun — and I don’t have to paddle!

Mom still loves me best — and Gracie has her own Mom to love her best.
We will always love our Gwen, too.
Everyday we keep it Corgi here on Whidbey Island … and that’s just the way we like it!
* * * * *
You’re fifty kinds of terrific.
Welcome to all. It is amazing to see the coats you guys have…must be COLD up there in the pacific NW! We love the water too…you are so lucky you get to play in it and chase seagulls! Mom loves kayaking too but she hasn't taken us yet…do you think all 4 of us can fit in the kayak with Mom?
Have fun and come visit if you ever make it to the east coast!
Piaf, Baron, Twist and Ceri (And Mom of course…she had to write this but we told her what to write :))