3rd Annual Corgi Walk
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Pearl District, Portland OR
Registration 9:15AM, Walk 10:00AM — 12:00PM
Registration is $25.
This year’s Corgi Walk will benefit The DoveLewis Animal Emergency Hospital and the Columbia River Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club – Corgi Rescue.
View photos from last year’s event: http://picasaweb.google.com/rchinch/CorgiWalkInThePearl#
For more information contact Lynde Paule at lyndepaule@aol.com.
Here she goes again trying to get us in trouble by inviting us to the Corgi walk
Benny & Lily
Last year was awesome! Glad you found my pics from last year :o)
So if you don't have a Corgi but are a Corgi admirer are we allowed to come too?