Grits of Missouri came into Linda M.’s life after spending over a year in a the home of somebody who’d never had a dog and didn’t really like them. From the time he came into that home — as a gift from a friend — ’til nearly a year later, he spent most of his time crated.
As he grew from a tiny puppy to a young dog with scarcely any manners, Grits lost most of the enamel on his teeth from constant chewing on the metal bars to get out of the crate.
Then Linda came along.
“Lucky for Grits, a friend of mine lived next door to the family that had Grits” she writes. “After almost a year, my friend convinced the woman to turn Grits over to me, assuring her that I would find him a great home. He had few manners other than what my friend had taught him, but the minute I met Grits and saw the love and the drive, I knew that I would keep him.”
As it turns out, Linda’s keen eye saw in Grits the brilliant boy he would later become. “He was a star at obedience. He has his MX, MXJ and AXJ in agility, his CGC, and has passed his herding instinct test. Soon we will have our MACH.”
“He is intelligent, loving, and a clown.”
Go Grits, go!
“Grits makes us proud and he makes us laugh. He is a true example of what a rescue dog can do, in spite of his past. He’s the Corgi man!”
* * * * *
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Grits!
Thank you Linda for sharing a terrific story of love and dedication.
What a great story! Thank you Linda for the telling and thanks for sharing your life with Grits.
What a story! That pup had a guardian angel living next door~
I <3 Corgis!
What a great story!! Thanks, Linda, for enriching a Corgi's life with a new beginning. He must be one happy dog!