Maisie lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her Mom and Dad, Lindsay and Matt C., who found this Corgi mix through and fell in love with her straightaway.
“We’ve been told she’s a Corgi-Doberman mix” writes Lindsay, “but there have been many other guesses as to her background!”

I’m an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in a blue stuffed lamb toy.
“Maisie is definitely unique — neither of us had ever seen a dog that looked quite like her before, and based on people’s reactions when they first meet her, not many other people have ever seen a dog like her either!”
“When we first adopted Maisie, we lived in a condo in the city, but we have since moved into a house in the Chicago suburbs with a big backyard. Maisie’s favorite pasttime is watching out the front window and patio door for any squirrels, rabbits, or other small animals that happen to run across our lawn.”
These ears aren’t just for show, y’know.
“She is very snuggly and loves to sleep with her head on a pillow and body under a blanket, like a person. Her vocal range is wide! Maisie makes sounds anywhere from low mo-o-o-s like a cow to high pitched whines and squeals like a pig.”
Mom, don’t be giving away all my secrets!
Kongs rock.
“Maisie’s favorite toys include her Kong, a blue stuffed lamb, and a stuffed baseball bat that sings “LETS GO CUBBIES, WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF!” everytime she bites it. It’s a lot of fun!”
Ahhhh, now THIS is a Swiffer-free zone!
“Maisie is pretty fearless, and loves just about everyone. She is definitely a big dog in a little body. However, her arch nemesis is the Swiffer. She will not tolerate it being moved around the room or even visible in the corner. She also will not allow any part of the Swiffer to touch her body under any circumstance.”
I make this look gooood.
Where’s the fire? I don’t see any fire.
“We recently added wood floors thoughout our house, which Maisie enjoys THUNDERING across … now we always know where she is! We also added a goldfish named Steve to our family … whom she has yet to notice.”
“We are so happy that we decided to adopt a dog, especially one as unique as Maisie. We never tire of her little legs and big ears! We love her very much, and she has given us endless amounts of laughter over the years.”
(Hmmmm, sounds like Corgi power to me!)
* * * * *
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Maisie!
You are awesome-pawsome!
I love Maisie! She is just beautiful.
I am in love with Maisie and her biographer is pretty impressive too. What a fabulous dog.
Maisie is a real sweetheart.She is my grand-dog and I love her very much!
Now she is famous!
Grandma Jeannie
Maisie has a great personality 😉
What a great post about a very special dog! Thanks for sharing it.
so cute… but corgi-doberman…. There must have been a ladder or a trampoline involved xD such a cutie though!