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The van and two Akitas have been found safe; the Corgis remain missing.
Please cross post this to every list you are on and get the news out.
Kristina Rickard’s (Dream Hi Akitas) van was stolen while it was parked Sunday night at a Motel 6 in Long Beach, California. They don’t know when it was stolen, but it was gone yesterday morning (11/30/10).
It has Trace (Top 5 Akita) and a young female Akita, and two Corgis in it.
Anyone in the Southern California area, please notify your vet’s office and local animal control in case the dogs are found, turned loose or taken to a vet.
If anyone knows how to get this on the local news, MSN, etc. it would be a great help. Tom Rickard headed to Long Beach, and Lori is at home manning the phones, and Nener (Kristina) and David have Tamera Houser driving to hotel right now, so they will have help and wheels. Nener’s cell phone is: 530-351-2412 — please do not call to talk, but only if information is found or you have amazing suggestion –please text if possible. E-mail:dreamhi@c-zone.net
The police have already come to take a statement and hopefully they will be a great help.
Vehicle ID: 2006 White Chevy Express Cargo Van, California license 8D20252, with a big black box on the back and three dog stickers on the back windows. If anyone was to see this van on the side of the road or parking lot, please report asap and check on the dogs. Hopefully, they will be found inside.
Here is an ad/reward with pictures of the dogs:
Here is a link to the news story.
I am going to try to spread it around!
The van and the Akitas have been recovered, but the Pems are still missing. Keep watching for them.
The Corgis have been found.
I'm so thankful that all the babies have been found. Praise the Lord.
WOOHOO!!! Thanks for letting everybody know the Corgis are safe!