Peggy H.’s Pem Gillie began showing symptoms of DM almost a year ago.
“Since then she has acquired a neurologist, many physical therapists, a compounding pharmacist in another state, and an energy practitioner, and we’re working on a cart supplier.”
“Gillie has a small army praying for a miracle. All she wants to know is “when can I chase bunnies again, please?”
“Thanks to the helpful people at the Yahoo group DM dogs, who provide a wealth of advice and information to help us chose the right cart and all other forms of therapy as well.”
This is the Corgi Addict’s fault, I just know it is!
“Thanks so much to you, Laurie and the readers of The Daily Corgi, as well as Redditor Licenseplate and the gang at This Is Dog Fort for your gracious efforts to draw attention to and raise funds for Corgis in general and DM in particular. Thank you to Corgi Addict and her fine (and entertaining) job of drawing peoples’ attention to fund-raising efforts.”
“Thank you to the fanciers of other breeds who no doubt are doing the same for their best friends.”
“God speed the scientists who are working for the cure. We will beat DM!”
Include me in that army praying! Gillie is a beautiful girl!
Oh Gillie! You are SO BAROOOOOTIFUL!
Awww – beautiful Gillie. Sorry to hear of your condition. Our 3 yr old female corgi suffered a spinal injury when she was 1 yr. She spent time at an animal hospital and with a neurologist. We are dog people and wanted to save her. We were happy to find out that she is a good candidate for a cart. So now she takes her walks, wheels around the house and outside, chases our other canine on her cart! We checked out a lot of cart makers and I would like to recommend K9 Carts. It has been a few years but our experience with them have been wonderful! Our corgis cart is admired by people who sees it – it is like a 'red wagon' (red wheels) Our best wishes to Gillie and family. She is in good hands and a loving family, so she will be ok. Sending healing thoughts to her! CORGILOVERS