Have you seen the video of the two dogs a TV crew found forlorn and alone in the wake of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami?
It is diffucult to watch, but the good news is these two were rescued.
Turns out the man behind that rescue is Kenn Sakuri, who in recent days has rescued more than sixty animals from the hardest-hit areas of northern Japan.
To read more about him and the story behind the video, click HERE.
What a hero for the animals!
Update 3/29/11:
Most comments for this post have been deleted, and further comments are closed.
There have been conflicting — and controversial — reports in the wake of the initial news of Mr. Sakurai’s actions; these generated a great many attacks on Mr. Sakurai’s reputation.
Please refer to these facebook pages for further information:
I sincerely apologize for any misleading information I shared here on the blog, and continue to hope and pray for the best outcome for all souls involved in the wake of Japan’s recent devastation.
The character and reputation of Kenn Sakurai have been attacked, specifically by one American organization (GlobalAnimal), because they demanded proof and pictures of these dogs. He received hateful posts on the internet and many bloggers took up this issue without investigating.
Many of us who are his friends on Facebook are so saddened by this attack on a good Japanese man by westerners who do not appreciate the differences of culture and who are being insensitive.
This misinformation and attack on Kenn has resulted on a new divide that has occurred on the internet since the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Of course, I would also like GlobalAnimal a for-profit media group to back off entirely and issue an apology to Kenn Sakurai. That is all we want. I am embarrassed that some Americans would dishonor this Japanese person.
Here are links for reading.
a site one of us (not me) is putting together: http://www.ausfox.com/Hunting_Dogs_of_Arahama.html
Here are Kenn's Facebook page and two pages created by his supporters.
1 – his page: http://www.facebook.com/kenn.sakurai1?sk=wall He has his contact information listed there.
2 – a page by his supporters: http://www.facebook.com/kenn.sakurai1?sk=wall
3 – a page to keep track of the libel that has been perpetrated against Mr. Sakuri…some of which has been deleted or altered:
The original editorials that started it all are linked below. (Note some of the worst posts have been deleted, and some of the editorials have been changed since we started our Facebook page in support of Kenn Sakurai. On the Burden of Proof site a record of these deletions has been kept.
Then, of course, other sites picked up on information from this site. For example,
Global Animal is deleting all negative comments from us, Mr. Sakurai's supporters, about how it has dealt with this issue or their facebook page.
That is a lot of information and this post is a shot in the dark. I just think that we should be supporting the Japanese people and not tearing one of them down all because they didn't take photographs for people to see about the dogs they rescued; the rescuers have more pressing priorities, like saving lives. Some people freely offered money to help these dogs and that is another reason Mr. Sakurai is being maligned.
Many people here have posted anonymously, which is wrong when accusing a person of something
My name is Heather Yampolsky
Please see this Website for the LAtest News on the Loyal Dog of Arahama.
Please click NEWS LINK.
My Name is Alexandra.
Well the sad truth is, the white dog is still lost and Kenn lied. His real owner Mister Okubo rescued his brown dog named Mei-chan, but the withe dog is still lost.
Kenn lied i don't know why, but that is the truth, and thanks to his big lie, now Lee-chan (the withe dog) is lost.