On July 14th, The Daily Corgi officially turned TWO!
This makes me precisely THIS happy.
I’ve lost count of how many different Corgis have made a splash here …
… and although some of my attempts at humor have flopped, I’ve been willing to take my licks …
… for the sake of the team.
In the beginning, all I had was the audacity of hope, a cranky PC and some seriously snazzy visioning goggles.
I also had inaugural Dog of the Day Gibson, currently anticipating a new little human he can herd around.
Yes, a lot has happened in the last 24 months …
… including the rise to fame of crustacean sensation Kiki, a.k.a. Red Lobster.
(Gotta admit, I NEVER saw that one coming).
The Cheeseheads won the 2011 Super Bowl.
(Now that one I DID see coming, Marci!)
The first Daily Corgi Calendar came out in October of last year, and raised over $1,000 for CorgiAid.
(Couldn’t have happened without the help of Elisa M., Boomer and LuLu. Extra noms all around).
The Queen (yes, that one!) wrote to convey her thanks for the copy I sent to Buckingham Palace … I consider this letter the royal imprimateur on the calendar ;-).
Meanwhile, Corgis continued their march toward world domination …
… with a few stops along the way to make sure everybody was behaving.
Together we’ve raised raised a lot of money for Corgis in need, collectively made a generous donation for research into Degenerative Myelopathy, said hello to a lot of new puppies and rescues and a few goodbyes to some dear friends, and grown our numbers far beyond what I could have possibly imagined!
(Thank you, 6,222 facebook fans, 898 tweet-ees and 437 Google followers! :-).
In spite of all that, some things remain the same.
Kitten Girl is routinely miffed at the amount of time I spend blogging about dogs.
The ENTIRE operation is still just me, my La-Z-Boy and my laptop. No staff, no help desk, no copy editors, nobody to fetch my Dunkin’s iced decaf.
(I’m taking applications).
I haven’t sold out entirely to corporate America, which means I make no money from The Daily Corgi, except the purchases you make through the amazon.com search box on the blog.
The one that looks like THIS!
Shop through that and amazon sends me a small commission on your total purchase. I send 25% of my commissions on to CorgiAid.
If you’re one of those people who already “has everything” and you appreciate my work, you can always send me some clams via PayPal.
I can be PayPal’d at thedailycorgi@gmail.com.
Now that I’ve asked for money, are you thinking of giving me the bum’s rush?
flickr / kidlat puppy
OK, I can take a hint …
flickr / apriorista
… I’m outta here!
(But I’ll be back tomorrow).
As always, I remain Corgially yours.
Congratulations from a long-time corgi lover!!
is it okay to make my corporate purchases using this link? I work for a library, so I'm talking A LOT of money spent.
Aw!!! From my Corgi crew to the Daily Corgi, we wish you many more grand years!! (And thank you for spreading tailed and tailess joy to all.) 😉
A big "Arrroooo" to you, Laurie, for a fantastic job and most of all for helping raise money for Corgi Aid and assorted Corgwyn in need. Just like a Corgi, you've got your own natural style and it shows as character through and through, just like a Corgi.
how in the world did i miss this milestone!!!???
CONGRATULATIONS Laurie to you and The Daily Corgi!!
Corgi On!!
Judi, Soffie & your honorary corgi boy Griffyn!!
Laurie you have done so much for the corgi community. You have entertained us, informed us, and supported so many. Your blog is a daily necessity for anyone who has or loves corgis. Congratulations and thank you for two great years of The Daily Corgi.