Hey Rufus!! Looooove those ears.
Your Mom Paula says they flop up and down like Dumbo when you run, but that’s OK … Dumbo was cute.
Word is you’re a Mama’s Boy, even though your nickname is “Rebel Rufie”. I won’t share the secret with anybody …
… promise! So what if you’re not quite as brave as you make myself out to be?
On your facebook page, it says you manage 1.35 acres of Douglas and White Fir trees, and your main duty is “keeping the grounds cat poop-free,” No doubt you’re excellent at that!
A veritable Sheriff of Pooptown.
Nice butt shot, buddy.
Ooohh, that angle is aces! Mom says your butt is one of your finest features. Can’t argue withat one.
Guess what else I know about you?
Your favorite treats are steak and cheese … and BACON.
The only vegetable you like is lima beans.
You can grunt like a pig, and that’s how you get real food!
You recently took up swimming and poetry.
You’ve mastered the arts of barking, pre-barking, reverse-sneezing and barking at nothing.
You herd lawn mowers and baby strollers.
You spent the first few years of your life with “sister” Boo …
… but things got hairy when you got older and she concluded you were the consummate pest. Because you couldn’t see eye-to-eye, Boo found herself an excellent new family where she can be Da Boss Dog.
Rufus, you were one ADORABLE pup. Even for a Corgi … wowza!
A natural at the drummies stretch, too. Excellent form.
At four years old, you don’t know a “single trick”, but I’d wager that standing at the window waiting for Dad to come home and take you for a walk in the park counts for something.
A favorite spot? Mom and Dad’s bed. Naturally.
Rufus, it all adds up to this: You ROCK!
* * * * *
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, and a scritch or two for those enormous ears!
Oh Rufus wanna come play with us cutie pie
Benny & Lily
Rufus, we think you're great! From Nick and The Other Rufus