After a second round of chemotherapy, Baxter went for his blood test earlier this week. The doctor says that though Baxter’s white cell count is low, this is normal and nothing to worry about as long as he’s on antibiotics.
His next chemo is scheduled for November 8th, at which time they do another ultrasound and chest x-rays to see what’s going on in there since treatment has begun.
Baxter has an appointment today with the Complemtary Medicine folks at his vet hospital.
His Mom Anitra says her little guy is happy, “healthy”, and livin’ his life just the same as he was before, except he’s probably a little (lot) more spoiled. And that’s a good thing!
“I think he can feel the vibes from his hundreds of adoring fans and supporters, I know I can!”
His Helping Paws Campaign donations are up to $5,815 — that’s 72% of goal!
Go Baxter GO!
good report, thank you.
love and healing juju to handsome Baxter.
Thanks for the update. What a wonderful little guy!