Have you heard the breaking news out of Montana about the heroic Ole?
AP Photo/Natasha Baydakova
As reported by The Billings Gazette, following the death of his Dad in an avalanche on Saturday, four year-old Pembroke Welsh Corgi Ole “managed to dig his way out and then walk four miles on stubby legs” back to the motel where his family had stayed four days earlier … “Ole’s survival and return are all the more amazing because Corgis are not large dogs.”
Ole may not be a large dog, but he has a humongous heart and a handsome head full of glorious Corgi smarts. Bless him and his family. Deepest sympathies go out to them in the loss of one of their own.
NBC News has a video showing the heroic Ole here.
View Ben Zavora’s video chronicling Ole’s trip here.
Oh, I dunno. I always thought that corgis were big dogs with no legs – Ole certainly is…
Maryk, owned by
Gracie, the blue CWC
Wow, that's amazing! Sorry to hear of the loss of Ole's dad, but I'm glad the newspaper showed what a determined little soul can do!
My sincere condolences to the family for such a loss.
Smart and stubborn in the face of avalanche. Typical Corgi!
he's a hero
Such a bittersweet story! There's video of Ole at NBCmontana.com, he's a cutie.
Ole is amazing! I heard this on the news today and I had to post it on my page and Beans McGillicuddy's page. My heart goes out to the family of the lost skier.
I just saw him on the news! Very cute!!!!