Winston’s nickname is “the devil dog”, because as his Mom explains “He was born on 6/6/06.” (Hmmmm, are you sure that’s the only reason why, Susan C.?)
“Winston is our first Corgi and he’s very smart. He loves to hang out with his family, especially his two older human sisters. He doesn’t really like other dogs and can be very territorial when at home, but when we walk him he’s usually quite oblivious to other dogs or people. Winston is very good with little kids and kids who are handicapped; he seems to know they need extra care. His favorite thing is to dig in snow and sand. When we take him to the beach, lucky for us he has that “magic fur” that nothing clings to.”
“Winston tends to be anxious and sometimes licks his paws incessantly. He’s more cat-like than dog-like in personality. He is allergic to peanut butter (it makes him sneeze), loves the water, splashes in his dog pool in the heat, and guards our house from the top of the couch overlooking the front window.”
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Winston! You are pistol-packin’ some serious Corgi Power!
Winston is adorable! My corgi is also very cat-like.
I also have a Winston! 🙂 Aren't they just the best… haha!