In celebration of Patriots’ Day (a Massachusetts civic holiday) and the Boston Marathon (it’s gonna be nearly NINETY unbelievable DEGREES here), I give you Katie-Butt!
What’s that, you say? How does a Corgi puppy’s pants have anything to do with commemorating the opening salvos of the Revolutionary War and thousands of people running their fool heads off around Boston?
Bottom line (and let’s just acknowledge our collective craziness right now): we don’t NEED an excuse to ogle puppy pants, but sometimes it’s fun to throw one or two out there.
I’m still accepting photos for week two of the Corgipants Party … send me those butt cam captures! E-mail to, and remember: Corgi mixes, CARDIGANS and Corgis of all ages are welcome!
looks like we have a double butt, too. Linda
Nothing sweeter than a pair of puppy pants. Love it!