In the manner of William Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, Vineet Kapur has penned “Corgispeare’s Merchant of Wales” for his Corgi mix Sammie:
I am a Corgi-mix. Hath not a Corgi-mix eye boogers? Hath not a Corgi-mix paws, toys, bonies, treats, toiky dinners? If you walk us, do we not wag our tails? If you tickle our bellies, do we not ask for more? If you scold us, do we not whine? And if you intrude in our backyard us, shall we not give chase? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a rabbit wrong a Corgi-mix, what is his humility? Chase! If a squirrel wrong a Corgi-mix, what should his sufferance be by Corgi-mix example? Why, chase! The intrusion you foist upon my backyard I will defend! And I will chase hard but I will drive home the lesson: My backyard!