Miss Starla here is quite a gal. When she showed up on her Mom Diana’s doorstep as an 18 month-old weighing just 14 pounds, she was “the most adorable thing ever” — and poised to give her a heap of worries before too long.
“Starla was not quite what she seemed at first glance” writes Diana N. “Following a good worming and change of diet, I noticed she still wasn’t too enthusiastic about food. The problem turned out to be an abscessed tooth. Once that was taken care of, she blossomed and got up to a whopping 21 pounds.”
About six months later, however, Starla came came down with list of worrying symptoms: She couldn’t swallow or walk, appeared to lose her eyesight, pushed invisible objects around with her nose, and “swam” when lifted. “I rushed her to the emergency vet, then to a neurologist who said it was either a brain tumor or a serious brain infection. Since just the diagnosis would cost up to $3,600.00, her prognosis was poor, long term care would be expensive, and brain tumor surgery was out of the question, the vet suggested we put her down.”
“I don’t give up that easy. Gambling on an infection, I bought antibiotics and steroids and took her home. By noon the next day, Starla’s symptoms were gone and she jumped in the truck to go to the feed store! Another vet later told me he believed she’d had Steroid Sensitive Bacterial Meningitis. From that day forth, Starla has become my good luck Corgi. I believe she’s actually a cat in Corgi’s clothing, complete with nine lives. From rare disease to bee stings, abscessed tooth, bladder stones, massive infection — you name it — she seems to come through with flying colors, with lives to spare. Her number one job seems to be to make Mom worry.”
“Quite simply, Starla is now a spoiled brat. She has her own custom booster seat so she can see out of my truck, owns several fur-lined parkas for snowy days, and sleeps in a very cushy bed next to mine. You’d think my other Corgis would be jealous, but they love and dote on Starla. She wouldn’t hurt a fly, unless they get too close to her pink ceramic food bowls, then watch out!”
“Starla is my alarm clock. Every morning as the sun comes up, she stands up against the bed and tries to pull my covers off. Every morning I let her out the front door to do her business and she comes back sopping wet. I snuck up on her and discovered she was “swimming” in the water rings around my fruit trees.
Once in awhile she’ll visit the horses (she loves their big, sloppy, warm “delicacies” … yuck!), but mostly her favorite thing to do is play with my younger pups. She runs up and down the halls and through the patio dragging a stuffed monkey toy that makes sounds, with a string of pups and youngsters in tow — now nicknamed “the monkey dogs”. Starla just adores the babies but isn’t built for motherhood, so she’s become the designated puppy-sitter, a job my other girls are glad to let her have!”

Wow what a story and talk about having faith. We are so impressed that Starla has such a determined human. Three cheers to you. Have a great day.
Best wishes Molly
She is quite a gal…charisma and cuteness!