Jim C. says if he let them, “Mr. Wiggles and P.T. Joe would herd this indestructible ball ’til they literally cannot take another step.”
“As you can see, they take herding very seriously, and each wants to be the herder, leaving the other to be the chaser.”
“Fortunately this little disagreement was quickly resolved, and no Corgis were hurt in the taking of this picture.”
“But they do look pretty vicious!”
Indestructable ball? What is that? The supposedly indestructable horse balls only last a week in the corgi yard at our house. Then they have to play with them flattened until I give in and buy another one!
Would love to know what kind of ball that is. Every ball I buy is usually gone in a few minutes.
It is solid, but light, kind of like a bowling ball. Not as heavy. It is indestructible. Not inflatable..I think it was called the indestructible ball when we got it, several years ago.
I agree, inflatable balls last moments, if not nano-seconds.