Since his first post back in March, Lambert has become something of a regular here on The Daily Corgi.
Following his adoption by a Kansas family (that’s him on the right with “brother” Ein), Lambert had surgery to deepen his knee sockets.

After charming the vet and everybody in his neighborhood, he’s been busy wooing people at the campus where his Mom Rhona takes him to work every day.
Majoring in SSM (Student Stress Managment): proving that Corgi fun is the best way for students to relax during final exams!
“Lambert has been coming to work with me since his adoption” says Rhona. “We wanted him to be familiar with campus so that he wouldn’t be stressed by new surroundings following surgery. I have a crate underneath my desk where Lambert likes to sleep in the morning. The faculty and students caught on to this fact quickly. I get a great many visitors in the afternoon.”
“He also likes to visit Russ Hall, where the President’s and Provost’s offices are located. The Provost has met Lambert but we don’t have an appointment with the President … yet. Lambert is now enjoying summer break at home.”
“Even when he’s home there is always someone (furry or otherwise) who wants to play. Ein has taken to sitting outside of his pen, as Lambert always has a ton of toys within reach. We like to think Ein stalks Lambert’s pen out of some level of brotherly concern too.”
“Lambert likes “talking” to our bulldog Frida, which gets her very excited — then exhausted. Yes, even stuck in a pen Lambert influences a great deal of power over our other dogs.”
“Frida passes out asleep after almost every “conversation” she has with him.”
“I honestly think the surgery was the right decision. Lambert is going to be a LARGE Corgi. We had to get him a second neck hug collar because he outgrew the first one really quickly. Although he wants to run and jump, he’s got to wait a few more weeks to do either, though he does waddle nicely! He is supporting himself on both legs and does full range of motion by himself with one of his legs. The other one is moving better and better each day.”
Corgi On, Lambert!
My husband and I were part of a group that helped transport Lambert from south Missouri to Corgi Connection of Kansas. My husband came totally under Lambert's spell and spent almost all of the 2 hour drive photographing and making videos of Lambert, so we can attest to his mystical charm! At the time, Lambie could barely waddle but ever and always made the big effort to play and romp and tease the big dogs. He's an inspiration- we are happy to see him charming students and helping spread corgi whimsey around and about!
Ahhhh… how nice.