Welsh Corgis might not be classified as retrievers, but an awful lot of them like to pick things up — or more likely catch them — and put them down. Over and over and over. With great gusto.
Some Corgis go great guns, not so great form. Others combine the two in boisterous display of athletic prowess that surprises the uninitiated. (The short legs still fool so many!) Whether they’re being serious or simply having some serious fun, Corgis give it their all. And we love them for it.
Corgi On!
Toby via Corgi Addict
Bella and Baxter via The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Corgis We Love
via Corgi Addict
Sporty Pants via The Daily Corgi
Conrad / via Flickr
Corgi Addict
Hey … weren’t we bringing back frisbees?!
Berna / via flickr
A job, a job, I have a job!!!