When Jake and Lexie heard they would be Dogs of the Day on The Daily Corgi, they were so excited that Mom Donna W. decided they could write their own bio. “I get to tell our story because I’m older than Lexie” explains Jake. “You see, I’m eleven and she’s two.”
“Mom always says God sent me directly to her. She fell in love with Corgis way before she got me, so when she rented her first house, she started looking for a Corgi. Mom told her sister Laurie she wanted a Corgi of her own called Jake, to which my aunt replied “What’s a Corgi?” (Boy was she uninformed!) Anyway, three weeks later Aunt Laurie called mom to let her know a co-worker’s neighbor had a litter of Corgis due — and the daddy’s name was Jake! That was it; Mom says right then she knew she had found me.”
“I enjoyed my puppyhood and did all the regular stuff like chewing leashes, going to grandma and papa’s house for daycare (mom rented the house across the street from them), dressing up for Halloween and frequent jaunts to the beach — something we California dogs love to do. One day mom came home and announced she had bought us a house, so we moved 25 miles from the beach. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that until I saw the size of my backyard. Woohoo! Thanks for the park, mom! Luckily she still takes us to the beach sometimes, too.”
“Mom and I lived a nice, quiet life with lots of fetch, walks, and cuddles until the day my eye started bothering me. We went to the doc who is one of my best friends (I’ll pull mom halfway down the hall if I hear his voice), and he said I had an ulcer on my eye. Mom tried really hard for almost three months with drops, ointments, and the cone (bleh) to save my eye, but still I was miserable.”
“So in February, the doc took my eye out. Mom didn’t want to do it, but boy do I feel better now! I can run and play just like I used to. Mom says I’m as cute as ever with my permanent wink.”
“You really can’t mess up handsome.”
“Did you see the picture I sent of my Christmas decorations? Mom was feeling silly one day and I was asleep in my cone, so she decorated me! (eye roll)“
“Before my eye problems started, mom had begun looking for a sibling for me. She thought I could use some company while she was at school teaching. (That’s her job). I insisted that things were fine just the way they were, but she really wanted another fur kid, so Lexie came to live with us in February. I ignored her at first, hoping she was only here temporarily, but she has grown on me and now I think the house would be too quiet and boring without her. She’s is much younger than me, so I think she’s a bit of a freak when she gets the zoomies and runs around the house until she can hardly breathe.”
“Mom says she thinks Lexie may be part alien, and I agree. Lexie is cute, though, and she is good for a few things. First, she sleeps with mom. She seems to really like that, and I don’t. Mom moves around too much and always wakes me up. Also, there’s the yogurt. Lexie was used to yogurt in her breakfast kibble, so now mom gives us both yogurt for breakfast and I like that A LOT! Last is the green beans. Lexie and I are both snackers, so mom has taken to giving us fresh green beans because they are nutritious and low cal. Lexie begs for them frequently and I reap the rewards for her diligence.”
“She’s good about letting me choose which bed I want to nap on and was extremely concerned about me when I came home from my eye surgery. Mom is trying to teach Lexie how fetch works and she loves to chase the ball, but still has trouble giving it up once she’s got it.”
“Mom calls Lexie her “ninja dog” which I think is funny. Lexie can be sitting quietly at her feet and then a second later, in one bound she’s in mom’s lap and they are nose to nose. It scares mom to death! But then she laughs, snuggles Lexie and tells her she’s silly. It makes me happy to see that we make mom so happy. We are a good little family!“
What a cute couple!! They are just precious.
They are so cute, what a precious couple of Corgs!