Five year-old Sophie lives with Chris and Doug P. of Wisconsin, who adopted her as a rescue. “They love me very much, and I love them too!” writes Sophie.
This clever girl tells her own story, I’m just passing it along. (These Corgis, they are going to eventually run this blog without me ;-).
Hi, I’m Sophie! This is me in my new home the first day I came to live with Mom and Dad. I was a little nervous that they wouldn’t keep me, like the other people I used to live with before coming to live here in Wisconsin.
I LOVE to eat. When I first came home, I pretended to be picky and conned my people to put a little cheese on my food. SCORE! I also love bananas, apples, and yogurt.
I adore my sock monkey and chewed his ear off five minutes after I got him! (That’s him there in the gray, missing an ear.)
I love to climb and used to push the kitchen chairs out from under the table to get up there and lick the butter. Mom and Dad taught me not to do that anymore. It was fun while it lasted!
I enjoy sleeping on the big bed and sometimes let Mom and Dad have a little space, too.
I don’t like to see suitcases and climbed in on my own the first time Mom and Dad were packing for a big trip. I made them feel sad to leave me; that was my plan. Little did they know Grandma, who took care of me while they were gone, gave me tons of treats and let me do whatever I wanted.
I still gave them sad eyes when they got home.
This is my buddy Libby (who knows what she is, besides nutty for anything you can throw) and me at the lake. Mom and Dad tricked me; I don’t like to get wet but I love to chase Libby. Libby loves to play disc, so they threw it out into the water, Libby went after the disc, and I went after Libby and got soaked.
Not fair, you guys!
I love Halloween and help carve pumpkins every year.
Christmas too! Waiting for Santa under the tree.
Me at the dog park — fun!
Me tearing up a catalog — fun!
Me in the snow — BIG FUN!!
Me in the daisies — hot fun in the summertime!
This is me on the last leg of a long trip out west. It was my first big car trip and I did very well. Mom and Dad say I can go along next time, too.
I’m tired so I’ll say goodnight now.
* * * * *
Welcome to The Daily Corgi, Sophie!
Thanks for sharing your bio and pics with us.
Note: This post was originally published on The Daily Corgi on October 18th, 2010.
Sophie has a forever home! That is awesome! Kisses and Hugs for Sophie!
This is a very cute way to tell the story! We rescued a male pembroke exactly a year ago and he looks a lot like this one! I don't know what I'd do without the silly antics of my corgis!
I've always known Sophie was a beauty, but I didn't know she could write, too! What a doll!
Hi Sophie,
We all love your autobiography! We wish you could visit us in Hawaii the next time your Mom & Dad visit us. Too bad you're so far away.
Shadow & family
Wow, climbing on the table to get butter? That is genius. What a sweet face and lucky girl to have such a good family. That garden gnome in the last picture must be watching over her. Thanks for sharing your story!
Dill Corgi in Montana
I just LOVE reading these stories of rescues, by parents who so obviously adore their dogs…THANKS !
Hooray for a Wisconsin corgi!