It just went up yesterday. I think it’s pretty neat. Bright and cheerful, with a little bit of a retro look to it.
Big, slobbery kudos to Designs by Rodrigo for taking my vision and making it a reality.
I plan more improvements to the blog, eventually. If you’d like to support my work (tech help and design costs more than biscuits), please shop through the blog (see the amazon search box on the right hand side of the page). Any purchase you make via a search begun there nets me a small commission.
So please, do it EVERY TIME. Every time you shop amazon, start here at The Daily Corgi.
The ads on the blog generate a bit of cake, but only if people visit the blog and click on them. So keep coming back, and give a click every now and then. Do it for me so I can do it for the dogs. The Daily Corgi is a one person volunteer gig, for the most part, but I can’t do it without the support (mostly moral) of YOU, my dog loving friends!
While you can always drop a dime via the PayPal Donate button on the blog’s sidebar, I no longer actively solicit direct donations to cover the cost of keeping the blog going. There are too many dogs in need for me to do that in good conscience. For folks with limited resources (most of us), I’d rather see your money go where it will make the most immediate difference. Rescue is where the smart money is; that and your local shelter! There is always need. Always.
CorgiAid is also a fantastic non-profit for Corgis. I’m totally on board for them, and I also like The Cardigan Welsh Corgi National Rescue Trust, and National Mill Dog Rescue. Don’t have money? Give time. Walk a shelter dog. Collect old blankets and bring them, freshly laundered, to the local shelter. Find out what they need and see if you can round some donations up in your community. Scour yard sales for good stuff cheap. (I love yard sales. Don’t be surprised if you see me at one in your neighborhood).
And here’s a tip that’s served me well: do it all with a smile and a thank you. Easier said then done, but persistent politeness is persuasive. It will puzzle some people and piss some others off, but do the work your good heart drives you to do, and let doG take care of the rest. You will win over more people than you lose.
Trust me. Trust me and do it for the dogs, who only ask for love and a chance. That ain’t much, is it?
Yours in big dreams for dogs everywhere,
Love the new banner!
Sorry, but I preferred the old banner. But I still love the Daily Corgi.
I want bumper stickers in this please.