Greetings Corgi Nation! My name is Max and I’m here to share my rescue story and my sister Rosie’s too. So sit back, relax and settle in for a fascinating tale of two SoCal Corgis you won’t soon forget.
Before me and my sister, Mom and Dad had never owned (or been owned by) a Corgi. Yes — a sad state of affairs. Mom saw one of our kind on vacation — a cute and friendly one — and decided her family needed a big eared low rider someday. Of course, she had no idea of how much BETTER it could get than that. Patience my friends … patience.
When their Cocker Spaniel Willy passed several years back, the house wasn’t the same without a fur kid. They looked into adopting a Corgi and found the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of Southern California (PWCCSC). When they applied to adopt, Mom and Dad were grilled to the gills by the folks there, who asked them a whole lot of questions on the phone, then came by to inspect the house. They take the time to make sure low riders get just the right homes. Gotta like that!
As for me, my first family gave me up after buying me as a pet shop puppy and left me alone outside by myself all day long. Every day. So I barked. And barked. And barked some more. Of course I did! Wouldn’t you?
So Beth convinced her to come take a look at me. I was active and adorable all over the place. Not showing off, just being me! Mom wasn’t sure about having such an energetic dog, but when she told Dad about me they decided to go ahead and take me home. (High paw, Pa). Truth be told, I was hyper and ran crazy around their house. Oh yes — remember it well! When bedtime rolled around, they wanted me to sleep in a crate. Not too thrilled about that. I barked for awhile and then finally settled down. Mom confesses she had second thoughts during the couple of days it took for me to calm down.
I was a little pudgy. (Some prefer “puffy”). My first family had left out food and nobody played with me. When I started Mom on daily walks, it wasn’t long before I lost the few extra pounds. Life was good, somebody was home most of the day to play with me, I went on vacations with the family and I got lots of love from everyone.
The family was so happy. If I’d had a tail it would have wagged. A lot. Like all day long a lot. They loved having me and thought it would be a good idea to get another Corgi, a female for sure this time. Mom called the PWCCSC to see if they had a girl in need of a home like ours. No luck. We got wait listed and months passed without a call, ’til one day Mom called to see if they forgot about her. Beth said Mom’s ears must have been burning because she was planning to call her that very day!
Rosie was found in an abandoned house with her litter mate and their 6 puppies. The PWCCSC had to wait fifteen days before they could be considered legally abandoned. Rosie went to a foster family for evaluation and got the whole spa package: spay, vaccination, teeth cleaning. Beth from the PWCCSC said no home visit was necessary this time around and we could take Rosie home if I got along with her.
As it turned out, Rosie had some issues with male dogs. Her rescuers figure she had two litters before her last one, and she was only four. Her people had sold her puppies for drug money. (I’d rather not meet people like that, thank you very much).
Let me put it this way: when Rosie came along, my life was forever changed! She followed me around most of the time. Then if she decided she wasn’t in the mood for me to be near her, she would get snarly and show her teeth. Rosie is different from me. Mom always says she can’t believe we’re close in age. I still act like a puppy — it’s true! I’m playful and don’t listen well sometimes. I’m only six, after all.
Rosie … well she can be a real spoil sport! She acts like a second Mom to me, corrects me when she thinks I’m misbehaving, even sometimes when I’m just playing. I am constantly moving, I can’t sit still for very long. I love my toys but she has no desire to play with them. Come to think of it, that’s a good thing. I don’t have to share!
As time went on, Rosie and I got used to one another. Things between us got better and better.
I have absolutely no idea what “old people” means. Of course dogs are supposed to go everywhere with their families. Leave us behind? Whose silly idea is that? We love car rides. Our MOST favorite place to go is the beach, and you’d better bet we know when that’s happening.
All the normal Corgi stuff is swell … walkies, eating, barking … just part of the good life for us!
In return, we help around the house. Yogurt containers aren’t going to clean themselves.
We patrol the premises and the perimeter of the property! Squirrel surveillance at no extra cost.
That’s all well and good for her, but I don’t snuggle unless there’s some petting going on. A guy’s gotta stand his ground!
It’s obvious by now what lucky ducks we are. How many reasons there are for me to flash this grin every day. And I’ll tell you what …
… I am going nowhere anytime soon. These humans had me at hello, in fact. Why do you think I was so EXCITED when they came to meet me? I know a V(ery) I(mportant) P(upper) ticket when I see one. All that jumping and running was my way of saying “Hey, where ya been all my life?!” It might have been a bit much, but hey. I’m here, aren’t I?
This post first appeared on The Daily Corgi on 8/22/2013.
GREAT POST! So awesome when rescue turns into a love story…
Love LOVE it! And we have the privilege of knowing these two! They inspired me to finally take the Corgi plunge and get our Cody…..he'll be two years old next Saturday!!!!! Great story, Max and Rosie!!!
Yay Rosie and Max! We love you and are so happy to be your friends! Hugs!
cute..story and pics
What fun! It's a beautiful love story, and the photos are awesome. I especially enjoyed the short of Oliver bathing Rosie! If I wasn't already so smitten with Corgilove, this would inspire me, I'm sure.
Max and Rosie, you two are so adorable and we LOVE your story! I know your mom and you are both so lucky to have such a wonderful family. My dog Sinbad sends his love and licks to the two of you. Hugs and smooshes! xox
Max and Rosie, you two are so adorable and we LOVE your story! I know your mom and you are both so lucky to have such a wonderful family. My dog Sinbad sends his love and licks to the two of you. Hugs and smooshes! xox
This story seriously made my day! Did your hu-mom write it, Max & Rosie? BRAVO!!!
These are two awsome dogs who own awesome hu-parents! I am so glad I have met them, and their hu-mom makes awesome dog treats! What a great story!
Two awesome dogs who own awesome hu-parents. I am so glad I have met them all, and their hu-mom makes great dog treats. What a great story!
This is such a wonderful story – thank you Max and Rosie for sharing …. as well as your humans too. Here is an off the wall question … I too have two Corgis and they love their round bed albeit it has been well used for the past six years – do you know where your Mom and Pa bought yours? They are asking for a new one
This is such a wonderful story – thank you Max and Rosie for sharing …. as well as your humans too. Here is an off the wall question … I too have two Corgis and they love their round bed albeit it has been well used for the past six years – do you know where your Mom and Pa bought yours? They are asking for a new one
Thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments.
@Jenn Everson – Mom helped Max a little bit. Her writing is kind of boring. Laurie is a great editor and added lots of "life" to what mom wrote.
@Cindi Merritt – Mom purchased our bed a long time ago at Costco. Unfortunately, they have since changed to square ones.
We have always had 2 corgi’s and we just lost our boy to a brain tumor. With so many dogs that need homes we are trying to find one to adopt. If anyone knows of a corgi for adoption we would love another fur child for our girl Honey