This here blogger is burnt out tired, dear friends! My pooped-out-ness has finally caught up with me. In a word, blarrgghhhh. We’ve all been there at one time or another, right?
In all seriousness (yes I can be serious when necessary), I need to press pause here. I have to take some time away from blogging to put my primary focus on recovering from some not-so-great health and related general burnout. Saying this makes me wrinkle my nose and reverse sneeze six times in a row! It’s not what I want to do, it stinks, but it’s what I truly have to do.
And honestly, it’s kind of overdue.
I love doing this blog. I really do. There are few things I like better than Corgis and their stories and the affection their people have for them. In the six-plus years I’ve been doing The Daily Corgi (yes — it’s been that long), there have been lots of highs and a few minor lows. I’ve taken some breaks and come back ready to roll every time, but one thing remains unchanged: the blog is still a one-woman show. I do it all myself, because I am a stubborn so and so.
Not at all like a Corgi, no siree!
Though my blogging isn’t primarily for income, I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t been discouraging to work this hard, only to see traffic to the site steadily thinning in the last few years. Less views on my blog equals less clicks and commissions, and ultimately less income. On average, I make enough to cover the cost of the monthly internet service and take a friend out for a nice lunch at Chili’s. (Try the Southwestern Eggrolls. Major yum).
More importantly though, there is no way to count all of the thoroughly awesome people I’ve met doing the blog. The fun of the photos and stories and videos you send. As it turns out, the world is more full of excellent, fun, kind and interesting people than I ever thought possible. What a great discovery it has been — and all because of a blog about Corgis! Who knew?
I owe my fantastic readers a big thanks for everything. Thank YOU. It’s all been pretty darn wonderful, and I am more than grateful. Tired, but grateful. All of your photos and stories remain vouchsafed in my heart — and here on the blog. Remember, you can always peruse the archives, where every post I’ve ever published is still up and running.
Bear with me, if you can.
I do so hope you can.
I will be back.
I still get e-mail at, so if you’d like to write, please do! It is always a pleasure to hear directly from readers. I enjoy your Corgis nearly as much as you do, so send me some smiles, OK? Corgis make me grin. It’s what they do best! I could use some extra grins right now, maybe even a giggle or two.
Go ahead, send me some licks of love.
Because The Daily Corgi will come back in SOME form eventually, I invite you to add your name and e-mail address to my notification mailing list. To be among the first to know when I start publishing Corgi stuff again, simply send a message with “mailing list” in the subject line to
That’s all there is to it. One quick message and done. I will never use your e-mail for any purpose other than notification about the return of The Daily Corgi, in whatever incarnation comes next, and possibly (big dreams!) a book compilation of my favorite posts from the blog’s six years.
Athough the blog won’t publish for a time, I will still run the Daily Corgi Facebook page, and remain active on twitter. You don’t have to have a Facebook account to view the page, and it’s all Corgis, all the time. What’s not to like?
It’s like I always say: Corgi Power is for keeps!
Laurie Eno
Founder & Publisher
The Daily Corgi
Enjoy your break, Laurie, however long it takes. It is well-earned and well-deserved!
You've part of my morning routine (after feeding my Corgi and giving him his morning chew stick, of course). I'll miss Daily Corginess; but as someone who also had to put a pause on a blog, let me tell you, you are doing the right thing. Best wishes for renewal and greater enjoyment of life. Corgi on!
Pause, refresh, renew. Each of us is sending you a smile, a positive thought and a "you go girl". Woof!
Well-deserved break, you need it! Corgi on!
Thank you for all that you have done!
Off you go into the land of healing and restoration. We will all be here waiting with our tongues hanging out and our ears at half-staff. Love your blog and the encouragement and support you give to all of us who just love this darling breed.
Laurie, your blog is always my first stop when I turn my computer on each morning. We've loved our corgis for nearly 50 years. Our granddaughter introduced us to your Daily Corgi. We can never see enough pictures of those precious faces and corgi antics.
We will keep you in our prayers for renewed strength.
Thank you!
Helen & Molly
A well-deserved break, Laurie! Take 'er easy, and we'll look forward to your return!
Fingers and paws crossed for healing and recuperation. And nub wags for the fun of it!
Laurie, the most important thing, that I am sure everyone will agree is that you look after yourself and your health first. Without doing that there will be nothing left to give to anyone else.
I'm sure all of your fans appreciate all of the effort that you have put in to keeping the Daily Corgi Blog going for all this time.
Unfortunately many people don't realize how much personal effort goes into maintaining a blog with the audience of TDC. There is not only the actual typing, but the job of trying to keep content fresh, and doing research, balancing peoples opinions, reading and approving comments.
Folks, trying to guilt Laurie into continuing is not going to do any good for her own health. She needs to take a step back and take care of herself While we will all miss it, unless we give Laurie the time and space, it will not be able to return.
Lets all just pass on our good wishes, and if someone has constructive suggestions that could remove Laurie's load without adding to her burden….then make them. There is a difference between being helpful and adding to the problem.