Born back on February 14th, Valentine pup Bowie of Switzerland is a true love child!
He MIGHT also be a little too smart for his own good. One never knows with a Corgi, though it’s always and ever a distinct possibility.
Bowie and his litter mates were no more than a twinkle in their daddy’s eye when their mother Etoile met her mister in the form of a flashy red sable Cardigan boy. With Etoile betraying no sign of being in season, the kennel mates’ clandestine love remained a secret, until Etoile’s increasing roundness betrayed her whelp.
Love, as they say, will find a way!

In what can only be an act of serendipity (or kismet or a pinch of both!), it’s entirely possible that Bowie was conceived on the very day his great granddaddy Bryn left for the Bridge. You see, Bryn had belonged to Bowie’s future family, who loved him deeply for fourteen and-a-half years before releasing him to his rest on December 16, 2015.
After Bryn’s departure, his owner Anita began the search for a brindle or red Cardigan puppy as a companion to Bryn’s son Dylan, who remained with her. A breeder in Denmark was going to mate his brindle bitch with a red dog just before the New Year, and another breeder in Germany was planning to mate her brindle bitch to a red dog in January, so her chances were good for getting a puppy to keep Dylan company fairly soon.
While waiting on word from the breeders, Anita learned of Etoile’s unexpected litter, due sooner than either of the others. A precise date could not be predicted because the time of the mating was unknown, but combined with the possibilty that the pups would be “great-grandchildren” of her beloved Bryn, this was welcome news! Calculating backwards from their date of birth, it is just possible that they were conceived on the very day Bryn left for the bridge.
Isn’t that a beautiful thought? Sometimes fate winks at us, just to make sure we’re paying attention. You bet your sweet bippy it does!
Of the eight puppies Etoile whelped, three survived, one boy and two girls. When they were six weeks old, Anita visited them in Switzerland, where she decided on the boy and named him for David Bowie, who had passed shortly before. “So far I know of only one other Cardigan corgi named Bowie” she writes,” who belongs to Leanne Levine, a blogger in California“.
“When Bowie was 14 weeks old we brought him home. He and Dylan had been introduced to each other before and all went well.”

Dylan and Bowie
“Dylan is unbelievably patient and tolerant of Bowie’s playful attacks, but sometimes it gets a bit too much and we have to split them, just to give Dylan some peace”.
“Bowie is a clever little pup, very lively, lightning quick and, of course, great fun”.

Bowie and Dylan
Hmmmm. Sounds more than a bit like his namesake, doesn’t it?
Ziggy Stardust lives on!