O magnificent turkey, king of all the gobbler-wobblers, what would our Thanksgiving we be without you?

Your wattle and plumage are proud
Our heads in prayer are bowed
(And just ONE of you feeds a crowd!)

Diana Designs NY / bit.ly/2fkDLDJ
We baste up your biscuits
We woo you for days
(And turkey goes great with a cranberry glaze!)

Corgi Addict
Thou art a proud and noble beast
The most with the most-est, not the least
(A bird on which we like to feast!)

Sookie The Corgi / bit.ly/2eZjIfJ
Don’t tarry, tender turkey
Our plates are set for you
There’s carrots, peas and stuffin’
But we need GRAVY, too!
(p.s. You turkey haters will get tofurkey and taters. And you’ll like it).
The poetry is lovely, Laurie. Oh how lovely these Corgis look.
Happy Thanks Giving
My corgi abby does not like to be dressed up and is camera shy.
What a cute poem! My trio is certainly looking forward to the Big Day, although they will only get a taste of turkey and a few green beans.
When a turkey gobble-gobble,
It is proud and plump and perky…
When my Corgis gobble-gobble,
They are gobbling down the turkey!
(Paraphrase of Jack Prelutzky’s poem)