Happy first day of December, my Corgi loving compadres!
Anybody still sleeping off their Thanksgiving feast? There’s no shame in it. No shame in the napping game, people. Just ask your average Corgi.
I had a dream the other night (Thanksgiving leftovers-induced-mid-day coma) that I was celebrating 20 years of The Daily Corgi. Future tripping. There were kazoos and party hats, a hundred and one happy low-riders, and lots of peanut-butter-filled pretzels. I saw the future, my friends, and it was pretty goofy.
So yay!
The year 2016 has been a BIG one in the life of The Daily Corgi.
After a few months’ hiatus, The Daily Corgi blog came back, bigger and better than before. My little site was due for a facelift, and back in June it got a stylish reboot. Just in time to celebrate SEVEN years of publication.
(Apropos of absolutely nothing, I love Corgis in bow ties. Don’t you?)

The Daily Corgi / bit.ly/2b1KYX1
Anyway. Like I say, seven swellegant YEARS. Whoa.
Have you been with me from the start? Do you remember a time before Corgis owned the internet (and soon the cosmos)? Back when the world was younger, and the Stubby Ones didn’t yet have the mind-meld grip on the masses.
We remember. We the elders!
Back then, my site was one of the (relatively) few focusing just on Corgis. So much has grown up around it since then, including my Daily Corgi Facebook page, which grew to more than 60,000 followers in 2016. A lot goes on at that buzzy, busy community of Corgis and their people.
I love it. I do, but it’s work. Not going to lie.
It’s still just me doing everything solo on The Daily Corgi. Every post, every day moderating the Facebook page. The work keeps me out of trouble, but alas it pays zip. Money’s not the point (has never been), but this is my main “gig” and I believe it has real worth. So here at the holidays, I’m asking for your presidential flash cards.

Facebook / bit.ly/2gWcJVx
One of the biggest changes on the blog in 2016 was a new NO ADS policy. My site is more about people and Corgis than attracting advertisers. It’s between us, you and me and the Corgis. It’s for us and about us.
I want to keep it going that way.
So if what I do here brightens your days, please consider giving. CLICK HERE NOW to PayPal me your donation. I honestly need you to keep the Daily Corgi going, friends. A little bit of giving can make a lot of difference, because oh heck yes I can stretch a penny ’til ol’ Abe cries Aunt Mabel.
It ain’t always pretty, but it works.

The Daily Corgi bit.ly/2g7oOFW
To make your secure on-line donation now, CLICK HERE, or PayPal me directly at thedailycorgi@gmail.com, or write me at thedailycorgi@gmail.com if you need a mailing address.
I’ll give you my address, if you promise NOT to send me fruitcake. Because fruitcake … what have I done to deserve that?

Facebook / photo Karla Roeseler
Nuttin’ honey, that’s what!
By the way, have you seen the brand new Daily Corgi Meetup Directory? It’s now a permanent fixture on the blog, and I hope to grow it bigger and better. Got a meetup you don’t see there? Drop me a line: thedailycorgi@gmail.com
In connecting people with Corgis, my mission is complete. It’s what I do.
Corgi Power to the People!
Laurie Eno
Founder & Publisher
The Daily Corgi
Since 2009!
Laurie you are amazing and are to be commended on your tremendous efforts in making the Daily Corgi so delightful. You have a ready and wonderful sense of humour that fits right in with Corgis. May you go from strength to strength and success to success. Thank you for brightening our days.
Angela, thank you!!
I deeply appreciate your engagement with my work, on both the blog and FB page. It is a real uplift to me! Making it all look easy is part of the job, but my creator’s heart swells when I get that kind of feedback.
I’m in Laurie! Yes the Daily Corgi is my happy place. I’ve been a reader ever since you started. My three corgis Harry Nami and Aki dream about starring on your blog in their sleep. I can see their little legs trying different poses and murmurs of editorial! No, wait! Cookies!
Thank you for your labor of love.