Oh, hai! My name is Arya! No, *you* are not lost, this is The Daily Corgi! But *I* was. LOST, that is. If you are in the happy endings business, this is my “Adoption Tail”, or “How My Guardian Angel Helped Me Find My Way Home”.
(Yes, there are Corgis too).
Read on!
I am just five months old (don’t look a day over four months, do I?) and was found wandering on a very busy highway. It was scary! Nobody knows how I got there, and nobody tried to find me at the shelter. The Cedar Bend Humane Society was so kind to me, I stayed with them for three whole days!

My new Dad’s Guardian Angel saw me there! (That’s her. Her wings have been Photoshopped out). She whispered in Dad’s ear that he and Mama should go there to look for me, as the little friend for my Corgi sister Serena had been looking for.
It worked! They found me!

So I got to go home, where I met Serena! Together we are crime fighters. (Those tutus are strictly optional — but what’s a girl squad without tutus?)
Of course, I had to go get checked out by Charlie and Serena’s veterinarian, Dr. Chad Smith. He was so nice! (Well, except for the rabies shot — but it’s ok. He had to do that. I forgive him. This time).

I guess Corgis are much better at getting rabies shots than Chuhuahuas. I cried a lot, and mama had to put ice packs wrapped in towels on my side. But we figured out that Chihuahuas like “nests.”

Here are Charlie (the other Corgi/my brother) and I at Taylor Veterinary Hospital. The family resemblance is uncanny, eh?
A little dog can hold a whole lot of big love.
Bring it on!

I love Charlie, but he is almost 11, and I needed a best friend to puppy play! I LURVE MY SISTER! We go together like PEAS AND CARROTS! (For more family photos of my Corgi siblings, go here. Puppy pics alert!)
You know, sometimes this big old world is a funny place, but when things are meant to be, it all falls into place. The pieces of our family fit together like a puzzle. It just took us a little while to find one another. Now I’m really home, and it’s a gin-yoo-wine love thing!.
The moral of my story? You never know. Except when you know, and then well, YOU KNOW. Keep your heart open. There are good surprises coming you way, and you don’t want to snooze through ’em.
Do you?
p.s. Thanks to Mom for taking dog-tation, and to The Daily Corgi for stylistic enhancement. You know, curlicues!)
What a heartwarming story Arya and a handsome family indeed. You have mom well trained with dog-tation and even Laurie well trained too for stylistic enhancement. God bless your mommy and daddy for caring and for giving you such a loving home.
Her eye is looking MUCH better now!
Aww, what a great post! Thank you for sharing with us!
Take care,