I like big boats and I cannot lie.
Work like a captain. Play like a pirate.
Put on your life preserver. I’m about to rock this boat.

Milo The Corgi
King of the world? That’s me!
If someone says you go boating too much, bite them. You don’t need that negativity in your life.
This is not floating my particular boat. Nope and noper.
The ocean is calling. I must go!
Bacon at sea? They don’t call me a salty dog for nothin’!
Just get in the boat. There’s no time to explain.
For kicks and giggles, deck your seafaring sweetie out in a sassy dog flotation safety vest. Polka dots, shark fins, a cheerful rainy day yellow — get your style on for the hazy, lazy days of summer fun ahead!
Laurie! I love the pics – but I love your captions even more! They make me smile and laugh! Thanks for sharing these adorable pups’ pictures!
Love this post!!! So cute and clever.