That Java download joke was only funny the first time. Nine times later, not so much.
I want to help you, but I’m thinking about snacks.
Passwords are like underpants. You don’t just lend them out.
Any fool can use a computer. Many do.
When I asked what you clicked, you said “nothing.” The twelve toolbars in your browser suggest otherwise.
You have two PhD’s? That’s great. Now try clicking “forgot password” for me.
Step aside. I’m here because you broke something.
Never let your printer know you’re in a hurry. It senses fear.

The Daily Corgi
I’ve changed all your passwords to “incorrect.” You’re welcome.
Want to freak out your neighbors? Name your Wi-Fi “FBI surveillance van #3.”
Somebody get me out of here. Now.
OMD! These are hilarious!
Corgis know all these things about computers and all things tech. These photos prove that. A-CORG-able, Laurie..
hahahaha These are great Laurie
Hilarious! Thank you for the deep belly laughs