What does a girl say when her boyfriend of five years gets down on one knee and proposes marriage? Well, yes is usually a pretty good start.
For Courtney Zawodney, who found herself in that charmed predicament on a summer day in July, the response was a bit less conventional.
“Oh my God I’m such a pain in the ass sometimes, are you sure?!”
He was sure.
In fact, Brett was SO sure that he’d gone to great lengths to arrange an “impromptu” proposal, in cahoots with Courtney’s mom, girlfriends, and (of course) their dogs Ritzy and Calvin.
Decked and dolled for the occasion, these two. Did somebody say “cheese”?!
Ritzy sported a fancy new collar and a bling-y bone tag engraved with “Will you marry me?”, the date and the couple’s initials.
(Could this be any better? Nope).
The neighbor’s Corgi came running over to say hello (and possibly snoopervise).
After all, nothing really important ever happens unless a Corgi is on hand, right?
A happy pack.
She said yes!
Indeed she did.
Courtney’s talented friend Micah Marie captured the magic hour in a series of wonderful photos she’ll surely add to her portfolio as a budding professional photographer. (All photos copyright Micah Marie Photography).
A champagne toast soon followed, then dinner at a rooftop restaurant in the company of few dozen friends, who happily surprised and feted the newlyweds.
Love is grand, ain’t it?
Mazel Tov, y’all!
p.s. I’m assured there will be Corgi-powered engagement and wedding pictures.
(Hint hint, you guys).
Awww, the Corgis deserve first mention despite this awesome idea of Brett. Ritzy and Calvin you both looked CORG-eous. It proves that CORG-some and PAW-some things happen with Pooches around. What a lovely couple you make, Brett and Courtney and what an awesome friend, Micha Marie for capturing these special moments. The photos speak for themselves. Wishing Brett and Courtney a future filled with human love and no doubt, puppy love.
Thank you so much Angela! It was perfect and definitely describes our little family perfectly!:)