Ladies and gents, I’m Charlie. Come along with me on safari. If you dare.
Keep your paws in the car and your snicky snacks under your hats.

Instagram/Ralph The Corgi
Those free ranging snack-packy-derms are friendly …
… but don’t let your guard down too much!
Your secret stash could vanish, inhaled in a hot, stinky flash. (There is simply NO talking an elephant out of your snacks).
Manners on safari? Please. Ain’t nobody on the savannah got time for that! Your cuddly personality won’t keep you safe out here, snowflake.
Not even from giraffes. No sireezy.
And that’s NO lion. (Actually it’s Io in a lion get up. Fooled ya for a minute!)
I hope you’ve enjoyed our safari rumpus among the wild beasts.
Take home versions of your favorites are available at the souveneir shop on the way out.
Tell ’em Charlie sent ya!
Love this post, Laurie. Great writing!
Thanks Cynthia!
What an adorable, clever post! I love all your cool safari outfits & buddies!
Love & biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them