This Corgi from Japan is clearly king material. And he looks SERIOUS about this king thing.
Very serious.
He may not be first in the line of succession …
… and pretenders to the crown are everywhere. (They got a LOT o’ nerve!)
Really, it’s enough to discourage even a would-be king like Momozo.
So deep thoughts must be thunk.
Oracles, soothsayers and hypnotists consulted.
The counsel of close friends sought out. Long nights of earnest conversation spent among trusted peers, with scant rest for the weary.
Until that final resolve forms in the clarity of an un-hurried mind.
For kings get the very best vittles! (In the parlance of a commoner, it’s a no brainer).
Perhaps a toast is in order, chaps?
Bottoms up!
Momozo the future monarch.
Coming soon to a throne (or two) near you.
Have you a king or queen in your own home?
Well DO you?
(All images from Momozo’s Pinterest board).
So regal and cute too.