Georgie and her boy Christopher
At the heart of this season of light lies hope and love. We need plenty of both, if we are to thrive.
So love a little extra on those you love.
Surprise them today with the benediction and blessing of a hopeful, happy bear hug.
Grasp life with both hands.
It’s a gift!
Even with its disappointments, sorrows, tests of faith and troubles, it’s a gift. A BIG one.
At Christmas and all year long.
Corgi On, my friends …
Merry Christmas, Laurie 🙂
Your corgi posts has brought me a lot of happiness 🙂
Well said, Laurie. Thanks for another year of comfort and joy at The Daily Corgi. You make my world a better and brighter place. Merry Christmas from Fidgit and me.
Merry Christmas Laurie. Thank you for all the work and time you have put into the Daily Corgi. I absolutely love it! !
Merry Christmas,
Blessings and Joy, every day I look to your Daily Corgi. Laurie, Yes thank you for the heart and time given each Daily Corgi.
And a Merry Christmas from Darcie Boo and me.