By any measure, three year-old Cardigan Ein is a very special dog. A pound puppy turned medical alert service dog in training, he is fairly inseparable from his Mom Molly. “Cookie Monster” Ein is a biscuit-powered bundle of love and exceptional dedication.

He’s a traveling Corgi always game for a trip to the supermarket, the thrift store, wherever. As long as he’s got his stuffy Mr. Hippity Hippo, Ein’s good to go. Here he is strapped in and waiting for the wind on his happy face.
Hard to tell from the stills, but his nose twitches when he breathes. We’ll have to settle for Mom’s word on that one, as well as the Pac Man “wacca-wacca” sound his feet make on the carpet. Ein’s got a custom made bed (which he ignores), clothes tailor made for him and two blankets of his own. As a costume-loving Corgi, he’s been known to don one as a superhero cape. No lie!
Chatterbox Ein knows when to work, when to play, and — just as importantly — when to kiss on command. He likes chilling to the Bob Marley groove (Corgi be jammin‘!) and favors the rock stylings of Metallica. No word on whether he’s mastered air guitar yet, but he smiles a mile wide and “bangs his head” when those powerful tunes fill the room.
I happen to be Eins daddy, and let me say how proud of him I am to have made an article on the internet! He will truely now live in dog history as one of the few, the proud, the corgis.
Good to hear from a proud papa! Your boy is a keeper. Bless all of you with a long, happy, biscuit-filled life!
Laurie Eno
Editor, The Daily Corgi